There are certain websites that would have you believe that all you need to deliver a knockout wedding speech is to download their specially priced template and fill in the blanks. If only it were that easy!


A good wedding speech gets to the truth of what makes the bride or groom who they are. These are the truths that the wedding guests will recognise and respond to. No fill-in-the-blanks template will give you that.


That said, a speech template can be a good place to start. The Wedding Speech Guru templates give you a suggested structure and pose questions that will help you gather material. Please note that these templates are meant to be a rough guide rather than a rigid formula. Have fun with it and see what truths you uncover.



The next step


If you would like some help with the gathering of material, writing, editing or delivery of your wedding speech, please get in touch for a free telephone consultation . Together we will assess your needs and make a plan.


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phone – +44 (0)7985919856